Torino, 23 marzo 2016, h 18:00; organizzato dal Museo del Risparmio di Torino, nell'ambito del progetto Finkit.
Finkit transnational meeting
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, 27 March 2017 ...continue reading
Conference “Financial Literacy: a Key Tool to Improve People´s Life Cycle”
First Finkit Multiplier Event, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, 28 March 2017 ...continue reading
Italian government approves basic low-cost bank account
On March 10, 2017 Italy’s government approved a new kind of bank account which will enable holders, including low income retirees, to manage very simple bank operations, such as cashing pensions in, ordering and receiving wire transfers, at low costs.
The Municipality of Milan’s financial education program
The Italian Municipality of Milan, by means of its Social Policies Department and in cooperation with best in class partners (among these Fondazione Cariplo and the consultancy firm PROGeTICA), recently started a financial education program within its welfare system.